Is it a better way to celebrate a birthday than with a cake? 
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016
Let's celebrate EU's birthday with a song!
The European Union means unity UNITED IN DIVERSITY so we are Europe and we are the world! This is the best song we can sing to celebrate it! It is also its birthday!
Enjoy our singing!
We are the World (1985)
Illustrious people tell us their opinions!
As we have said you before, we sent our requests to all these people:
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez, Director of CRMF, Salamanca
Our Majesty, Felipe VI of Borbón, King of Spain
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, Mayor of Salamanca
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García, President of the Castilla & León Deputation
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán, Representative of Salamanca in Castilla & León
Mr. Vicente del Bosque González, Coach of the Spanish National Football Team
We received answer from all of them! And hitherto everybody collaborated completing our questions, except Felipe VI of Borbón and Vicente del Bosque, but we know they are very busy at the moment, one trying to form a government in our country and the other preparing our astonishing performance in the next UEFA European Championship, so they are both forgiven
Now we are sharing here with you some of the answers we got from some of our questions:
3. What would you design in a euro coin commemorating the 30 years of Spain in the EU?
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán:
I would put the effigy of Charles I, a Spanish king who succeeded in the sixteenth century, the first European Union at least in the political aspect. With its lights and shadows, I think it was the germ of a united Europe that in the twentieth century really got its meaning.
I would put the effigy of Charles I, a Spanish king who succeeded in the sixteenth century, the first European Union at least in the political aspect. With its lights and shadows, I think it was the germ of a united Europe that in the twentieth century really got its meaning.
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez:
I would put a very human symbol, perhaps some interwoven hands.
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco:
I would put the facade of the University of Salamanca that soon wil turn 800 years and because here Mr Nebrija wrote the first grammar of the Spanish language.
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García:
It would be a good idea to draw the facade of the University of Salamanca as a symbol of history and education because it is also commemorating its 800 anniversary.
5. With regard to education, what aspects do you believe to have changed the most?
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán:
The educational model in Spain has evolved greatly over the past 30 years, in part, because of our integration into Europe, but also thanks to the importance that successive governments have given to education in our country at all levels. The EU has been a substantial change in higher education and, of course, lower levels have also had to adapt, to be more oriented to develop work skills of students, more integrated into society and, with greater involvement of families, Education has had and it will have substantial change. Overall, I think we've been improving anyways.
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez:
Education has improved starting with mutual understanding, within the European intrahistoria itself.
Education has improved starting with mutual understanding, within the European intrahistoria itself.
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco:
It has changed especially in the form. When i was in school we were 40 students and now you are quite less. I think that education is now more individualized.
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García:
As in other aspects, the European Union has allowed us to cross a way full of advances, of evolution and of progress.
6- What has been the most important news to you in these 30 years?
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán:
It is very difficult to choose a single thing, but I undoubtedly choose the end of ETA. And with regard to the European level, the monetary union and the arrival of the euro in our pockets have been very important facts.
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez:
The inclusion of new countries, showing in that way, the true model of political structure proposed.
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco:
Certainly the euro. Something really meaningful in this Union. It is fantastic travelling around without changing currency constantly.
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García:
Clearly, one of the most important is the entry itself of Spain in the European Union.
miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016
At our school we love creating things with Lego stuff. We think it's an incredibly effective new way to learn, and so has been recognised to our school by different associations and awards. On the other hand, we think it's a great way to communicate, and that's why today we introduce you our Lego Historical Moments. With them we illustrate different scenes in our European Union.
Aren't they cute? 
These pictures represent a peaceful coexistence among countries in the EU. Together talking and together in a circle
The Treaty of Paris was signed on 18 April 1951 between France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. It creates the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which later became part of the European Union
The Spanish Royal Family has answered to us!
Some weeks ago we managed to achieve an interview with His Majesty the King of Spain, Felipe VI.
But his team answered our letter saying that it would be a pleasure, but unfortunately, impossible currently.
We understand it because the King has always many things to do! Specially these days, when our country is still without a fixed government due to the fact that the hardship to make an agreement among the political parties.
Here we have the answer so that you can look it! (It's royal
But his team answered our letter saying that it would be a pleasure, but unfortunately, impossible currently.
We understand it because the King has always many things to do! Specially these days, when our country is still without a fixed government due to the fact that the hardship to make an agreement among the political parties.
Here we have the answer so that you can look it! (It's royal

Hello, Mr. Mañueco!
What a nice mayor we have in Salamanca! Not only he gave us an interview in which we all were the very comfortable but also he showed the whole town hall to us explaining to us every single detail existing in it. He took us to several rooms, to the room of ceremonies, we went out to the balcony, we went to the room of plenary sessions and he even went down with us to the Street, to the Plaza Mayor, to keep on telling us things about his beloved city!
It is great to have such a close leaders!
Lego Gifts
In our school we are used to working with LEGO so this was one of our first ideas to upload to our blog: representing important moments of EU with LEGO gifts. Our Trinitarias teams are filled with enthusiasm with the history of the European Union, because of it we want to share with you mini-lessons with our GIFS! Here we present some moments of it:
1- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): One of the most important policies of the European Union for managing everything relating to the agriculture and farming. It was a July 11, 1958 the day that the bases of the CAP were set in Stresa, Italy. It was born with firm intentions: to improve the productivity and in addition to guarantee the farmers of the EU a better form of life. This GIF represents the conference that was carried out in Italy, in there we can observe the Italian flag at bottom, and the " handshake " as symbol of agreement.
2- Looking for PEACE: Everything gave an unexpected turn on May 9, 1950, when Robert Schuman in his famous speech proposed the union of the European countries to promote the peace and the stability.
3- The seed of the European Union: Six countries: France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. An common objective: to establish a common market of the coal and of the steel (1951).
4- The first loans from the European Investment Bank: This is more recent. We have to move to March 20, 1959, when the EIB granted its first loans. A remarkable date without any kind of doubt!
5- And finally... Turkey!!: We close this post depicting the day when it came into force the Ankara Agreement, on December 1, 1964. On the left we have represented their flag, with a moon and a star over a red background. On the GIF, a person moves to the "Turkish zone", as symbol of approach and understanding.
Vicente Del Bosque's team has answered us!
De: Paloma Antoraz
Para: Amaya Fernández
He enviado su solicitud a D. Vicente y estoy a la espera de la respuesta que espero sea positiva. Saludos
De: Amaya Fernández Garmón
Enviado el: jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016 17:12
Para: Paloma Antoranz; Amaya
Asunto: Desde un Cole de Salamanca
Estimada Sra. Paloma Antoranz,
Le llamé hace unos días y estaba usted ocupada en París, en una
reunión de la UEFA, le pido disculpas de nuevo por la interrupción.
Mi nombre es Amaya Fernández y soy profesora de inglés en un Colegio en Salamanca.
Le envío adjunta una carta FORMAL que tenía preparada para cuando
pudiera conseguir su dirección. En ella le explico todo, no quiero
repetirlo aquí ni hacerle perder su tiempo.
Su ayuda sería UN SUEÑO para los alumnos de este Colegio de Salamanca
que seguramente D. Vicente conocerá.
Muchísimas gracias por todo. Tan sólo con leer esta carta y
contestarnos, se lo agradezco DE CORAZÓN.
Amaya Fernández Garmón
Profesora de Inglés
Colegio Santísima Trinidad
We have met Mariano Rajoy!
On March the 5th we attended to a meeting held by our current president Mariano
Rajoy, to hear from him the good things being in the UE has brought to our
WE THINK THE SAME, Mr. President!
And the following day, we were in all the digital newspapers of Salamanca!! It
was a great and interesting adventure!
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