As we have said you before, we sent our requests to all these people:
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez, Director of CRMF, Salamanca
Our Majesty, Felipe VI of Borbón, King of Spain
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, Mayor of Salamanca
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García, President of the Castilla & León Deputation
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán, Representative of Salamanca in Castilla & León
Mr. Vicente del Bosque González, Coach of the Spanish National Football Team
We received answer from all of them! And hitherto everybody collaborated completing our questions, except Felipe VI of Borbón and Vicente del Bosque, but we know they are very busy at the moment, one trying to form a government in our country and the other preparing our astonishing performance in the next UEFA European Championship, so they are both forgiven
Now we are sharing here with you some of the answers we got from some of our questions:
3. What would you design in a euro coin commemorating the 30 years of Spain in the EU?
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán:
I would put the effigy of Charles I, a Spanish king who succeeded in the sixteenth century, the first European Union at least in the political aspect. With its lights and shadows, I think it was the germ of a united Europe that in the twentieth century really got its meaning.
I would put the effigy of Charles I, a Spanish king who succeeded in the sixteenth century, the first European Union at least in the political aspect. With its lights and shadows, I think it was the germ of a united Europe that in the twentieth century really got its meaning.
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez:
I would put a very human symbol, perhaps some interwoven hands.
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco:
I would put the facade of the University of Salamanca that soon wil turn 800 years and because here Mr Nebrija wrote the first grammar of the Spanish language.
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García:
It would be a good idea to draw the facade of the University of Salamanca as a symbol of history and education because it is also commemorating its 800 anniversary.
5. With regard to education, what aspects do you believe to have changed the most?
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán:
The educational model in Spain has evolved greatly over the past 30 years, in part, because of our integration into Europe, but also thanks to the importance that successive governments have given to education in our country at all levels. The EU has been a substantial change in higher education and, of course, lower levels have also had to adapt, to be more oriented to develop work skills of students, more integrated into society and, with greater involvement of families, Education has had and it will have substantial change. Overall, I think we've been improving anyways.
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez:
Education has improved starting with mutual understanding, within the European intrahistoria itself.
Education has improved starting with mutual understanding, within the European intrahistoria itself.
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco:
It has changed especially in the form. When i was in school we were 40 students and now you are quite less. I think that education is now more individualized.
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García:
As in other aspects, the European Union has allowed us to cross a way full of advances, of evolution and of progress.
6- What has been the most important news to you in these 30 years?
Mr. Bienvenido Mena Merchán:
It is very difficult to choose a single thing, but I undoubtedly choose the end of ETA. And with regard to the European level, the monetary union and the arrival of the euro in our pockets have been very important facts.
Mr. Ricardo Bravo Rodríguez:
The inclusion of new countries, showing in that way, the true model of political structure proposed.
Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco:
Certainly the euro. Something really meaningful in this Union. It is fantastic travelling around without changing currency constantly.
Mr. Fco. Javier Iglesias García:
Clearly, one of the most important is the entry itself of Spain in the European Union.
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