1. Which have been the implications for citizens about having a common coin in all the Eurozone countries?
So, at the citizen level, I think a great convenience. Because, before the Euro showed up, if you wanted to travel, you had to exchange the coins, buy stuff with prices that you event don't understand... But now it is very easy to use one coin in your country and the same in other European countries.
2. What has been the most important news for you in this 30 years?
Precisely the born of the Euro, due to its advantages for us. I couldn't say one more important than that... Yes, definitely the arrival of the common coin.
3. What would you add to improve the European Union?
Well, I think that the poorest countries deserve to be listened or treated in a different way. Because I think there is a lot of inequality among the richest and the poorest countries in the European Union.
• Thank you so much for your time to answering these questions, Mr. Fernández. See you on our next bio lesson!
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